Season Update
I put this blog together on the Winter Solstice. We have received 312 mm so far this year at Bald Blair. The soil moisture probe at Bald Blair is indicating that moistures levels at 50cm remain steady, but moisture levels at 20cm are dropping. At another block down the road moisture levels are dropping steadily at both levels. With a -8 frost on Friday grass growth is reduced and we are now relying on our pasture reserves in the paddocks. We have good pasture reserves at this stage.
On top of mind is the prediction of another El Nino event going forward. It's hard at times to be pragmatic when the experiences of 2019 are still freshly embedded in our minds. It's important to remember that each El NIno is different, however, preparations are in hand if things go south.
Market Update
Our markets have changed fairly negatively, fairly quickly, and a little deeper than we all perhaps anticipated. It would appear the recent drop in prices is also added to by colleagues offloading stock prior to our season turning against us, which is both necessary and justifiable.
It is appropriate to keep in mind our plans moving forward. Most importantly make sure you have one, pay attention to animal productivity (Including fertility), animal health and keep control of your costs. Keep making decisions. Supplement maiden heifers if necessary post calving. Ours are springing and just weeks away from the first calf. It is still important to check your bulls and keep adding to your bull battery, keep improving.
Bull Sale preparations progressing well;
Bull Sale preparations are progressing well. Our 2023 Catalogue Listing has just recently been submitted. You can now view our online catalogue through the ASA Website.
Inspections are welcome anytime in the lead up to this year's annual sale, which will be on Tuesday 1st August 2023. We have catalogued 115 Bulls in this year's line-up. We will have on offer Bulls Rising 2 years of age, bulls rising 18 Months of age and a great lineup of yearling bulls rising 12 mths of age at sale time.
We will have numerous bloodlines on offer, including sons of proven Australian sires like Paratrooper P15, Lawsons Momentous M518, Rennylea L519 (NORL519), Chiltern Park Moe M6, VTMQ1149, Bald Blair Phenotype P97 to name a few. In addition there will be some new international bloodlines on offer Sitz Resilient and Tehama Patriarch, as well as G A R Inertia, G A R Pheonix, Musgrave 316 Exclusive to name a few. For more detail checkout our website.
Still to do, are 600D Wts of Autumn drop Bulls, plus their sisters and 400D wts plus scans of the yearling bulls. As a consequence for these animals there will be movement from the EBV’s catalogued; this is simply the result of adjustments after additional data has been recorded in the TACE analysis.
Bull Photographs to be done very soon. Then a catalogue, which we’ll send to you. To request a bull sale catalogue please email your postal address to:
Our Open Day is on Sunday 30th of July from 10am until 2pm where bulls can be inspected. On this day the bulls will be paint branded.
Please call Sam on 0438 792140, or email to make time, or just talk on the phone.
Link to PDF of catalogue:
coming soon
Link to Angus Australia online catalogue:
Click here
Link to AuctionsPlus:
Click here
Link to Angus Australia:
Click here - calendar links available
Early registration available now with Elders Pre-registration form:
Click here
Link to Youtube playlist for past bull sales:
click here
Steak Sandwiches at the bull sale
Sam was able to attend the grading of Bald Blair Angus steers that have been on feed at Rangers Valley Feedlot for approx 280 days and was pleased with the carcass results. This meat will be available for steak sandwiches at the Bald Blair Angus bull sale. A real paddock to plate experience for those attending in person.
The bull sale will be live streamed on AuctionsPlus, however you will miss out on the opportunity to eat a sensational steak sandwich if you stay at home.
Property for Sale
Mt Walker - Dysart QLD
Link to property listing: click here
Data Breeder Podcast
We will be recording some new episodes of the podcast in July with Struan Pearce, Stud Stock Sales and Lincoln McKinlay, Elders.
Please let us know if you have any questions you would like us to answer. Please send any questions or requests to
There are 2 episodes about the female sale with Struan Pearce, Stud Stock Sales and Lincoln McKinlay, Elders Stud Stock: Click here
Kelly’s Cottage
We are in the process of updating the kitchen at Kelly’s Cottage and are looking forward to hosting guests again in July. Please check the cottage on our website and contact us directly if you would like to make a booking or alternatively message us through airbnb. We only release availability one month at a time depending on family and farm commitments, however you can book in advance if you let us know what dates you would like to stay. We also provide farm tours when you stay at the cottage, these can either be a casual drive with me or a lesson in animal genetics with Sam!
Keep in touch and see you all soon.
Sam & Kirsty