The Boundary Rider's Report October 2024
Sam and Kirsty White • October 6, 2024

The Boundary Rider's Report October 2024

The Boundary Rider’s Report October 2024

Welcome to the October Boundary Rider’s Report. 

Firstly, we would like to wish all year 12 students the very best with their HSC study and exams and we are thinking of their parents as they support these young adults through the last of their high school education. We are with you!

Photos from the Bald Blair Angus bull sale in August by Al Mabin Agrishots.  Plus a few snaps around the farm.


Recent rains have replenished much needed soil moisture in top 20 cm of our soils.  Frosts and continuing winds are still drying us out, while all stock are well, we’ll need more rain soon. 

Market - Bald Blair Autumn bred Commercial Cows for sale

We will have a draft of commercial Angus cows PTIC from our autumn herd listed on Auctions Plus in a few weeks time.  As our spring herd numbers have increased to pre drought levels we are ready to sell these cows, as proven breeders, that have been integral to our drought recovery strategy.   More details on these cows will be available soon.


Our spring breeding season has started.  This is one of Sam’s favourite times of the year.  Stud cows and heifers have been assessed.  Sires inspected. Semen ordered.  Schedules synchronised.  Joining lists prepared and supplies of paper towels ordered.  The first round of AI of the heifers will commence on Monday followed by the stud cows, donors and recipient dams. We also watch for returns and do a second round of AI.  Cover sires will then be put out to clean up any missed opportunities.  We have a great team of cover sires for this years joining, some of which will be in the 2025 Sale Team. 

Commercial joinings have commenced with our bulls out working on our commercial cows.  Cows are all cycling well, and bulls are working. 

2025 Bull Sale Team

Next year's bull sale team is going well.  They are grazing on improved pasture under rotation in one large group.  They have received their tick fever vaccinations.  We will continue to monitor this  group to ensure we deliver a tight line of the best genetics we can breed for sale next year.  Our top picks of this draft are being used as cover sires on both our seedstock and our commercial herd - our proving ground for our genetics.

Operation Thistle Blitz

We commenced Operation Thistle Blitz in mid September before Artificial Insemination takes up all our resources.  This has been a military style operation that has included additional resources across three properties to commence an early strike on the tsunami of Knodding Thistles heading our way.  The additional resources have enabled a strong attack from the air, on foot and in vehicles.  Olivia Schafer has led the air attack with her drone, our team have been on foot with the quick spray on the ute - both nozzles in operation.   Brett Petroser has been called in with his quick spray and a boom spray has also been utilised for larger outbreaks.  The small spray kits on the buggies and other utes have been secured for isolated patches.  This has been a very successful campaign and we appreciate all the support and hard work of our contractors and our team to get an upper hand on this weed. In Spite of it all the bastards are still growing!


Big shout out to Dan Klabe for putting out the super with his new super spreader.  He was able to dodge the wind and rain to get Bald Blair and parts of Kolora completed just before we received 15mls of rain.  We are waiting on a few more loads to arrive and then we have caught up with our super application for 2024.  Thanks to Paul Harris at Elders for organising the orders and deliveries.  It was great to use our super bunker to its full potential. 

On the subject of pastures we have been doing some work on our pinrush, which has gone feral after the drought and rain.  Initially we were slashing it to get rid of the thickest patches to enable fresh pastures to grow through and now we have used a wick wiper behind a buggy to apply roundup to the pinrush.  The first application has not been a huge success and we will have another go with a higher application rate.  The pinrush is growing in our low lying areas and is not palatable to stock and outcompeting more preferable pastures.  As always we are working on getting the most production out of each paddocks.


Do you have a biosecurity plan?

You might be interested in reading this article.

Biosecurity planning: make it work for you | Integrity Systems

Family Farm

Sally Murfet, Chief Inspiration Officer, of Inspire Ag is frequently asked what makes a successful family farming business.Recently, someone posed the question differently: what makes a happy family farming business?

I truly appreciate how this question was framed! Here is my take:

  1. Communication: Encouraging open dialogue fosters honest discussions about challenges and successes, building trust and enhancing collaboration among family members in farming.
  2. Vision: A clear and inspiring vision serves as a guiding beacon for the family, motivating members to contribute actively and instilling a strong sense of purpose.
  3. Values: Establishing core values creates a solid foundation for decision-making, ensuring that the family's principles are consistently reflected in their farming practices.
  4. Goals: Aligning on shared objectives ensures that everyone is working towards the same vision, strengthening teamwork and fostering commitment within the family business.
  5. Boundaries: Clearly defining boundaries between work and home life helps maintain relationships, alleviates stress, and promotes a healthier work-life balance for all members.
  6. Respect: Valuing and respecting each individual's differences fosters a positive team dynamic, encouraging collaboration and enhancing the overall effectiveness of the family farming business. [Talk to me about DISC profiling, if this is of interest]

While this isn’t an exhaustive list, happiness goes beyond yields, bank balances, or smashed benchmarks. To me, it’s about the meaningful relationships cultivated along the way. That is what truly creates a happy and thriving family farming business.

Inspire AG can assist you with all of these aspects. Please reach out if you'd like to discuss how we can support you.E: M: 0409 196 861

Work Health and Safety

Kirsty is doing a course at the moment focusing on Work Health and Safety and we have been updating our WHS requirements.  We all want our family and our team to be safe at work and go home at night in one piece.  There are some great templates available to get you started and meet your legal obligations as an employer.  What are your safe workplace tips and tricks? We have started a Whatsapp group for the team and share our emerging contacts and Work Health and Safety Policy there for quick access.  Here is a link for more resources,-forestry-and-fishing/farming

There is a $1000 rebate to go towards implementing safety on farms?

Farm Connectivity Grants

The Australian Government's On Farm Connectivity Program is providing $33 million over 2 years from 2023–24 to 2024–25 to enable primary producers in agriculture, forestry and/or fisheries to take advantage of connected machinery and sensor technology.

This program is part of the Better Connectivity Plan for Regional and Rural Australia and aims to assist primary producers to take advantage of digital agribusiness solutions to boost productivity, improve safety and drive more sustainable farming practices.


BredWell FedWell

Check out the article on pages 38 -39 in the latest MLA Feedback Magazine about the BredWell FedWell day we hosted at Bald Blair earlier this year…..

Ebor Beef

Sam attended the Ebor Beef Forum in the morning and then again for the afternoon session.  Huge congratulations to the Ebor Beef team for putting together an outstanding event, bringing together local livestock producers to listen to the latest industry news and views, while catching up with new and old friends.

World Angus Forum

Save the Date: 7-8 May 2025

Bonus 8 Day pre-tour starting 29 April 

(including a visit to Bald Blair on Monday 5th May !)

Extra Bonus  7 Day post-tour until 15 May

Calling all cattle enthusiasts and breeders to the 2025 Neogen World Angus Forum! This event unites the global Angus community to share knowledge, promote the breed, and advance cattle breeding and management, plus also to have a good time. Hosted by Angus Australia, it’s an unmissable opportunity to celebrate, learn and catch up with international friends breeding Angus Cattle.

More information: CLICK HERE

AngusSHOOT-OUT Feeder Competition

Calling all Angus cattle breeders! Here’s your chance to compete against the best of the best and showcase your cattle in the Teys Australia Angus SHOOT-OUT feeder competition as part of the 2025 Neogen World Angus Forum. 

With over $10,000 in prizes and prize money up for grabs, this is an opportunity you won’t want to miss. 

Grant Garey, General Manager – Feedlots, Teys Australia said, “The team at Teys Australia are thrilled to be involved in the AngusSHOOT-OUT which is a part of the 2025 World Angus Forum.”  

“The AngusSHOOT-OUT, with eligible cattle on feed at Teys Jindalee Feedlot, will provide a great opportunity for producers to showcase the very best of their Angus cattle in a commercial setting, with the reward of seeing how their cattle compare to their peers.

Beef Cattle Assessment Course 

Now celebrating its 44th year, it has been widely recognised as the most practical and hands on beef cattle selection course of its kind. It has been copied in most Australian States and NZ using the basic principles developed through experience.

The course embraces both newcomers and experienced cattle producers alike. A great deal of time and thought goes into the selection of the overjudges. They must possess the practical and communicative skills necessary to ensure all participants receive maximum benefit, given the varied levels of experience of participants.

Although this course is organised by NSW Angus State Committee it is open to all beef cattle enthusiasts. It utilises both Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus breeds and their crosses over the duration of the course.

The Beef Cattle Assessment course is committed to the education of its participants in all aspects of the beef industry. We strive to make it challenging but also fun.

December 2 – 4, 2024

Entrant Live-In $ 715.00

Entrant Non-Resident $ 605.00


Get ready for the 2024 19 for 19 Challenge!

Sunday 20th October

In keeping with the spectacular New England gorge country, this year the walk will encompass three stunning properties, "Victoria Park", "Mt McDonald" and "By Gorge", each with unique vistas across the escarpment to the finish line at the magnificent Dangar's Falls.

Whether you are running or walking, 19km or 7.5km, this unique course, set in breathtaking landscape, will provide you with the most amazing experience! All proceeds go to assist research to end childhood osteosarcoma.

The registration window is open until Friday 18th October at midnight, quick, jump!

Register by clicking on the link below:-

Guyra Timepiece Campdraft

Affiliated with the Australian CampdraftAssociation (ACA), the

2024 Guyra Campdraft is set to be held from Friday November 22nd through to Sunday November 24th at the Guyra Showgrounds.

The Guyra Time Piece Campdraft will be a 3 day family orientated sportingexperience with competitive campdrafting events, raffles, a licenced bar withmusic and catering facilities. The local VRA will be in attendance to provideessential First Aid support. We anticipate over 500 visitors to the GuyraShowground, setting up camp for 2--4 nights.

We are seeking a PLATINUM Sponsor for the amount of $10,000 or more and will offer naming

rights to this sponsor.


SILVER SPONSORSHIP $3,000 - $5,000

BRONZE SPONSORSHIP $2,000 - $3,000

Contact: Bernadette Phelps at 0421 328106

On our watch list:
World Without Cows

With unique access to those on the frontlines of agriculture and science, two filmmakers set out on an incredible journey around the world to find out the answer to this simple question. Through conversations with experts in environmental and agricultural science, Brandon Whitworth and Michelle Michael examined the real impact of cows on our world: their cultural and economic significance, their role in nourishing the world and their impact on climate. What they found was far from simple: When it comes to cows, it’s not black and white.


Lachlan Morton is gearing up for his biggest adventure to date; 14,200 kilometers with 44,000 metres of elevation around Australia. Follow along and donate to the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. This is an epic adventure and one we are following very closely.  Lachlan grew up in Port Macquarie and has cycled all over the world,check him out here . He helped Abbott with his Design and Tech project - building a bike.

The Amercan Buffalo on SBS 

Explores some of the most famous landscapes, charting the origin of the animal, its importance to the Native Americans and the Great Plains landscape, its impending extinction and the struggles to save the magnificent mammals.


Lola In the Mirror by Trent Dalton

Please keep in touch and let us know what is happening in your world. What is happening on your farm, do you have an event you would like us to share with our network or a great tip or trick.

Sam & Kirsty

🚜 March Boundary Rider’s Report: weaning, preg testing, & sowing 🌾. Stud Female Sale 8 April '25
By Sam and Kirsty White March 7, 2025
🚜 March Boundary Rider’s Report: weaning, preg testing, & sowing 🌾. Ladies in Livestock chainsaw course & Instinct Stockhandling School 🐑. Angus Stud Breeders Sale on April 8th 🐄. More details inside!
🚜 February Boundary Rider’s Report: Team updates, 🌧️ rain results, 🐂 sales dates, farm news, and
By Sam and Kirsty White February 7, 2025
🚨 February Boundary Rider’s Report is live! 🚨 Catch up on everything happening at Bald Blair: 👋 Team news: Farewell to Mick, welcome Sam Savage! 🐄 Sales: Female Sale (8th April) & Bull Sale (5th August). 🌧️ Rain: 100mm+ in Jan = great pasture growth! 🚜 Farm updates: Calving, lambs shorn, paddocks prepped. 📅 Events & workshops: Stockhandling, Carbon EDGE & more!
🌟 January Update: 🏖️ NZ Adventures, 🌦️ La Niña Prep, 🐑 Lamb Sales, 🐄 Calving, 🌾 Hay Cutting,
By Sam & Kirsty White January 7, 2025
Boundary Rider's Report - January 2025 🐂🌾 🏖️ Holidays: NZ adventures, bush tennis, and family fun. 🌦️ Season: Dry pastures, storms (42mm at Gatwood), planning for La Niña. 📈 Market: Lambs, heifers, steers for sale; market trends awaited. 🐄 Cattlework: DNA testing, pregnancy testing, calving autumn heifers. 🌾 Pastures & 🌳 Trees: Hay cutting planned, seedlings thriving, more planting needed. 🚧 Fencing & Thistles: Tackling nodding thistles; fencing paused until April. 📅 Events: Bull Sale (Aug 5), Feeder Steer School (Feb 10-13), Angus Forum (May 7-8). 🎧📺📖: Podcasts, Eat. Race. Win., and holiday reads! Stay connected! 📧
Bald Blair Angus Stud. Bull Sale Tuesday 5th August 2025.
By Sam and Kirsty White December 2, 2024
The Boundary Rider's Report December 2024
🌾 November Boundary Rider’s Report 🌾

Thanks for following along this month! We sold PTIC cows to
By Sam and Kirsty White November 13, 2024
🌾 November Boundary Rider’s Report 🌾 Thanks for following along this month! We sold PTIC cows to new owners in Tamworth and steers to Rangers Valley. Rainfall topped up our water, boosting soil moisture and pasture growth. 🌧️ AI for the spring herd is complete, with our bulls now working in stud and commercial herds. Operation Thistle Blitz continues, tackling relentless weeds. 🌱 Upcoming Events: Mark your calendar for our Bull Sale on Aug 5, 2025! 🐂 For rainfall charts, email Kirsty at
Bald Blair Angus Stud. Bull Sale Tuesday 5th August 2025.
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The Boundary Rider's Report September 2024
Bald Blair Angus Stud. Bull Sale Tuesday 5th August 2025.
By Sam and Kirsty White August 20, 2024
The Boundary Rider's Report August 2024
🌟 The Boundary Rider’s Short Report: July 2024 🌟 📅 Join Us for the Bull Sale on 6th August!
By Sam and Kirsty White July 20, 2024
🌟 The Boundary Rider’s Short Report: July 2024 🌟 📅 Join Us for the Bull Sale on 6th August! Check Out New Podcast episodes & Bull Videos
Bull Sale: Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 1 PM
Open Day: Sunday, August 4, 2024, from 10 AM to 2 PM
By Sam and Kirsty White July 7, 2024
🌟 The Boundary Rider’s Report: July 2024 🌟 Exciting times at Bald Blair with our Annual Bull Sale approaching! 🐂 📅 Event Details: Bull Sale: Tuesday, August 6, 2024, at 1 PM Open Day: Sunday, August 4, 2024, from 10 AM to 2 PM 🗒️ Highlights: Bulls of various ages on sale, including new bloodlines. Online and physical catalogues available. Moisture levels promising a massive spring. Farm Safety Lunch in collaboration with Farmsafe Australia was a chilly yet successful event. Upcoming Ebor Beef 2024 Forum: "The Future of Beef" on September 11, 2024. World Angus Forum on May 7-8, 2025 - mark your calendars! Beef Cattle Assessment Course: December 2-4, 2024. 🔗 Links: Bull Sale Catalogue Angus Australia AuctionsPlus Early Registration Request a Catalogue Farm Safety Info World Angus Forum Info 📸 Big thanks to Struan and Monika Pearce for the amazing bull videos and photos! Check them out on our website. #BaldBlair #BullSale2024 #FarmLife #AngusCattle #Agriculture #FarmSafety #BeefIndustry #EborBeef202
Bald Blair Angus Stud: Bull Sale Tuesday 5th August 2025
By Sam and Kirsty White June 10, 2024
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